
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pre-Schoolers, Pre-K's and PAINT?! OH MY!!

 Imagine This:  Adorable 3-4 year old students smiling, waving, giving you hugs (sometimes they even tell you they love you, or that you're really pretty!), excited to see you, sitting quietly always listening to the stories, giggling...

Now add paint, paintbrushes, and water jars......

                                         What do you get? 

...Complete and Total Chaos and Mess...

  Pre-School and Pre-K students are by far some of the more chaotic classes to teach.  They don't quite have their full balance or control of their body yet, any type of excitement turns into energy that needs to be released, and one minor mistake and you've got tears.... So how do I tackle a messy art  supply like paint?  

Well, the answer is easy, get yourself some Play Color Sticks by Jack Richeson & Co!

   These glue stick like paints are easy to use, dry instantly, and create bold colors.  Students are able to layer one color on top of another to explore color theory.  Students are able to also vary the pressure they use on the stick in order to create a more textured surface, or smooth solid layer of color.  Clean up is as easy as snapping the cap back onto the stick and they wipe off of tables and hands with a baby wipe!  Check out the amazing artwork by some of my pre-school and pre-k students!  We read a book about flowers in springtime, then drew our own flowers!  

left: "This is my garden with a fence."
-Daniel, 4 years

right: Pre-K student working with color sticks!  

*please note, this is a personal choice to promote this product.  No contact or agreement was made with the distributor... I simply love their product!

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