
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Allow Me To Introduce You To....

The Art Room 
Red Clawed Crabs!

So many classrooms at my school are getting awesome class pets, from our heroic Lola the Hamster, to a turtle, guinea pigs, fish, and even a desert tortoise!  Well, I have some fish at home and of course while at the pet store picking up some fish food I saw these crabs!!  In case you didn't know, I love crabs.  Maybe because I'm from Baltimore?  Or because they're delicious? I don't know, but I fell in love with these!  They're super easy to take care of, and something my students don't always get t see up close and alive.  So I figured, why not?!  So let the naming process begin.  We have decided one is a boy and a girl (as to not show favoritism...not based on any factual knowledge of crabs.... we just decided it's only fair to have a girl and a boy).  As K-5th grade students visit the art room this week they are meeting the crabs(looking only!!) and getting a sheet to suggest possible names and why they feel the names would suit the art room crabs!  So stay tuned for the results!

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