
Monday, October 14, 2013

ATTENTION ATTENTION!!!! Donors Choose Project is Up and Running!!!

Have you heard of Donors Choose
        It's a great site where teachers can post projects online that they need the supplies funded for I've
        done Donors Choose twice before for sketchbooks, as well as for supplies to create marbled
        paper!  Well, now I'm hoping again for a funded project so I can have a IPAD MINI for my

Now, many of you are wondering...
        "Why do you need an Ipad?".... 
       Well, besides the fact that it is the constant source of music which my students LOVE... I would
        like an Ipad specific to the art classroom so it can be used by students to research images, create
        art on, explore art history, and also to upload artwork onto an online portfolio system. I also
        would like to use it as a resource for students with special needs to help them further engage and
        interact with art.

The Bottom Line is...
      We live in the 21st century where technology is crucial to student success and students need to have
      these experiences and skills to succeed in our technology driven world.  I'm hoping that this Ipad
      will begin to provide my students with those experiences and who knows, maybe one day I'll have
      a class set of Ipads to use!!!

Let's Get This Project Funded!!!

Share this project with your friends, families, businesses, co-workers, art appreciators, and anyone else who wants to make a difference within the art room!

It's Easy... Just Click This Link!!!

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