
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Student ROAR!

Shout out to one of my wonderful students!  We began our Hispanic Heritage Month projects this week and her class is learning about the art of the Mola.  We learned about the many layers of colors within a mola and created animal themed pieces this week.  Students used a black permanent marker to draw their animal, then will color them this week.  Although most mola art is made of fabric, we are using paper and a collage technique to make ours in class.  Check out this AMAZING photograph of my students weekend art project, which she shared with her family.  
ROAR To Margo From Ms. Foy! 
ROAR to the Trowbridge's for encouraging art not only within school, but at home!
A ROAR is a way that we say thank you to students and staff for being responsible, respectful, and ready to learn every day!
**Permission was granted from parents to post this picture**

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