
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's New in the Life of Ms. Foy?! DUBLIN !!!!

Meet Dublin! No, not the city! Ms. Foy's dog!!

 A lot of my students ask me about where I live, and when I respond with "in a house", they give me a shocked look as to why I don't live in school, well recently (2.5 weeks ago) Paul and I got a dog!  He's an adorable four year old brittany spaniel named Dublin!  He is a wonderful little furry friend and so far my students have LOVED to learn about him and even see a picture or two.  He is a hunting dog and so he loves to look out the window(as you can see, he thinks he fits on the top of the recliner!). 
He's super fun and hyper and LOVES kids and all people and other dogs. At the end of a fun day at the dog park and walking through Alexandria, he  crashes on the couch!  Hope you enjoyed this little insight into the life of Ms. Foy!   Maybe Dublin will get to visit Bancroft sometime during the PS/PK Pets Tools of the Mind theme.

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