May holds many special celebrations for school buildings. There are plays, concerts, graduation, art
shows, field trips, and so much more for students. During May, there is also teacher and nurse appreciation week. What most people don't know about though, is that the week of May 15th, is also National Police Week. Every year on May 15th, there is a ceremony held at the United States Capitol to honor and remember the fallen officers from the past year. I have realized in the past few years, that many times our police and security officers within our school communities work below the radar of the average person, and we don't show the thanks and appreciation that we could.
This year, I decided we would celebrate and show our thanks to the wonderful officers of the 3rd district within Washington, DC. I shared with students that it was police week, and they began rambling off stories of interactions they've had with officers, as well as how much they like to see them. Students had so many experiences to share. From a time when there were mean dogs in a child's backyard and the MPD saved the day, to an officer getting the ball out of the street for a student, the stories were precious and endless. Take a peek!
Police officers of the U.S. Capitol |
" One day I was looking for the aquarium with my Mom. She didn't know where to go so we asked the police officer. He told us where we should go and said..well blah blah blah... and then we passed Michael Kors. But we got to the aquarium because he knew where to tell us to go!" |
It's amazing how much effort and excitement the students put into their work. I've really never seen my students so excited about creating a piece of art for someone else. Usually they back out because they want to take their creations home(and who can blame them, they work hard!)
I found our local police district headquarters, and dropped off the cards from Bancroft and the art room. I didn't leave my name, or e-mail, or phone number but the next day in my inbox, I found an e-mail from the DC MPD officers thanking me for the cards and time.... and they send me this picture of their lobby bulletin board....
So, THANK YOU and a huge Bancroft R.O.A.R to all the police officers out there!
Happy Police Week 2014!