
Friday, May 9, 2014

Mt. Pleasant Youth Art Celebration

Well, it's that time of year again that the art shows, celebrations, and festivals come around.  May is always a crazy month for art and music teachers, so if you get a chance, give them a high-five or a "thanks" for all their hard work.  The music teacher at my school is holding Chorus, Drumming, and a musical, with all boys in the cast with the exception of two girls... Anyhow, here is the first round of photos from the Mt. Pleasant Community Art Fair.  I apologize for the poor photo quality, my I-phone was not quite up to par with my usual DSLR.  If you see any of these students around the building, be sure to give them a "GOOD JOB!". 

Also in attendance at the celebration was first grader Henry Mills, sadly Ms. Foy slacked on her documenting skills and didn't get a picture.

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