
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Turkey Survival 101!

  As a teacher the three day week before Thanksgiving is great, but leaves me with the question "what do I teach?".  Many students are absent due to travelling, energy levels are high, and there's an overall excitement that can sometimes distract students from being 100% focused on their artwork.  So projects pause for a week and students are given a challenge     
        ..... you are now a turkey, it's the week of Thanksgiving.... how will you survive and not get eaten?!..                           

  This prompts students to begin to think creatively.  How will they hide, disguise or flee the USA in order to survive?!  We talk about the character of our artwork (the turkey), the setting we will choose, and the problem (survival!).  Here are the responses of some of our Pre-K 4, 1st, and 3rd grade students this year!!

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