
Monday, September 21, 2015

Organization... in an ART ROOM with CHOICE?! MISSION POSSIBLE!

 We all know art teachers have tons of stuff in their rooms, and I mean TONS of STUFF!  Above is a show of my room(yes during week 0 so no students had touched it yet) and how I like to keep things organized.  It's hard to see but materials are lined on the counter tops, one bin of each supply for every table.... yup, it's a lot of bins!  The challenge for me came at the end of last year when I implemented a full choice based instructional model with my 4th grade... I opened up the opportunity of clay and construction/building, and quickly found that my organization was not quite there. 

The challenge with the construction/building center, was that there were just so many different components students needed: tape(scotch, masking, and packing), cardboard, popsicle sticks, scissors, and cold flow glue guns.  That's WAY too many bins for one table.... and then I discovered this Activity Tray from Pacon.  This awesome organizer holds everthing students would need in one easy to carry tray.  Students took alot of ownership in carrying it to and from it's counter spot and really keeping it neat and organized.  Not only that, but I've used it other times when I've traveled to a classroom for various reasons.  The coolest part to me, is that each of the small sections comes out so you can move it around the way you want it!  I must admit when I first got it I wondered how durable it would be, but it doesn't have a scratch, dent, tear, or mis-shaped part yet(and it's been at the mercy of 60 4th graders!)  This is definitely something I'd like to invest in for each of my tables as I continue choice based instruction this year. 

To the right are two buildings students envisioned, planned, and constructed with the help of the organizational tray.  These were fully built/constructed in 2 classes! I'd say it was a successful first try at a full choice based implementation for my students!!

 * A huge Bancroft ROAR to Pacon for graciously donating the activity tray which made this project a well organized and well managed success!*

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